Economic growth is driving an increase in energy demand and greater pressure on natural resources and the quality of the environment. That economic development should follow the principles of sustainability is widely accepted; but how can we translate this concept into concrete solutions? CTPD Management Consultants provide environmental consulting services to governments, businesses and private landowners.
We are dedicated to providing our clients a combination of high quality environmental science expertise with an experienced understanding of the regulatory and permitting requirements under which all projects must operate. CTPD Management Consultants has been generating practical solutions at the intersection of science, regulatory requirements and economic sustainability since its establishment in 2003.
An integrated approach comprising economic, institutional and technical perspectives is vital. We have a broad but integrated set of skills which include the capacity to provide:
Water and environment
Sustainable use of water resources and preserving the quality of the environment has become central to the debate on economic growth, worldwide. This requires policy makers and specialists to take an integrated approach to economic and social development with the aim to combine environmental and technical aspects, and institutional, legal, financial, spatial economic and communication components. They also face the major challenge of growing competition for water as the population increases, and the ever shrinking access to useable water due to climate changes and contamination. In regions where surface water and ground water are shared between countries, another major challenge is dealing with trans-boundary issues on water supply and maintaining water quality. CTPD’ services in water and environment give clients an economic and social perspective on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and related environmental policies. We help our clients to bridge the gap between environmental engineering solutions for spatial and water issues, and the financial/economic feasibility and social desirability of those solutions.
For many clients in the public and private sector we have offered a broad range of services. This includes research; advice; training and technical assistance; financial and economic cost-benefit analysis; water supply and demand forecasting; water pricing and economic scenario development.
For more information about our Management Consultants Practices, call us on +264 811282103 or e-mail us on